Hi Friends,
Thank you for praying with us.
This week ask God to...
...send us people with giftedness to help coach and train our leaders.
...open doors for us to show and tell the good news of our King Jesus in our networks and neighborhoods.
...bless our friends with People's Church House to House - another missional disciple-making community here in Cincinnati.
We were thrilled to be able to train 15 people from 6 different churches last week in Indianapolis and Omaha. While Cincinnati is the larger region we are seeking to love and bless, we are down to stir up and support missional disciple-making wherever God opens an opportunity.

One of our core conversations is framed by Luke 9. Jesus asks "who do you say that I am?" Peter nails the answer: God's King - our rescuing and life-giving King.
Then Jesus tells them, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."
Jesus wants our ultimate allegiance - for us to be more loyal to him than anything or anyone else. When it comes to what we do and how we live, Jesus gets to direct us - he gets what he wants.
We think of our lives as a wheel with spokes. All sorts of things and people are a part of our lives but the wheel has a hub. Following Jesus means He get to be in the hub. He is our master. Only in Him do we find our meaning, purpose, and belonging.
Pause and ask yourself, "what part of my life is most likely to slip into the hub today?" Be honest with God about how you have tried to serve two masters and commit to rearranging your life around Jesus at the center.